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How to avoid overheating on your iPhone?

First off, it is essential to remember that just because your iPhone has become warm, that does not indicate it has overheated. Basically, there are circumstances in which a warm iPhone is to be expected where it’s part of the process. For example, when you are playing a graphics-intensive game, utilizing an augmented reality app, or watching a high-resolution streaming movie.

As Apple says, even charging your iPhone can cause it to feel a bit warm, especially wireless charging, but as long as it’s not truly hot to the touch, there’s no cause for concern. However, there are certain circumstances that will cause your iPhone to overheat, which you will need to address immediately. If your iPhone is exposed to excessive heat for an extended period of time, it may sustain lasting damage, including a shorter battery life or a total shutdown if temperatures reach extremes.

The ambient temperature is another significant factor in iPhones becoming overheated. Whether you are outside on a hot day, performing a task that demands a lot of processing power in an already warm area, or leaving your iPhone in direct sunlight, your iPhone will overheat.

Beyond just feeling warmer than usual, another sign that your iPhone is overheating is if you detect a change in its behavior. Suddenly, charging may take longer than usual, and game and video performance may degrade. The display may also automatically decrease or go entirely black. It might even disable the camera flash on your iPhone.

What can I do to keep my iPhone from overheating?

If you suspect your iPhone has been overheated, either by feeling hot, operating poorly, or directly notifying you, the first thing you should do is lower its temperature by removing it from whatever heat source in the first place. This may include moving it into the shade or into an air-conditioned room, removing it from direct sunlight or from your parked car, stopping whatever you’re doing on it and closing out all of the apps that are open, or turning it off completely for a few minutes to allow it to cool down.

It’s also crucial to take preventative precautions so you don’t have to worry about your iPhone overheating or suffering long-term damage. On hot days, avoid leaving your phone inside your vehicle. If you’re outside, keep your iPhone in a pocket or otherwise covered while it’s not in use so it’s not exposed to direct sunlight for an extended period of time. When the weather is warm, avoid using apps and services that require a lot of processing power, and consider temporarily disabling intensive activities such as GPS tracking and navigation. Avoid using generic charging accessories, and never charge your phone overnight beneath your pillow.