Following a year of rumors, the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus have been unveiled. Both models are powered by the A15 bionic chipset, a slightly updated chipset with a 5-core GPU that offers an exceptional battery life.
Both models are offered in a few selection of colors, including midnight, blue, starlight, purple, and (PRODUCT) RED. iPhone 14 will be available on September 23, while iPhone 14 Plus will be available on October 7.
The overall design of both iPhone 14 models will likely resemble the iPhone 13, but comes with two different display sizes – 6.1 inch and 6.7 inch respectively. Notably, both models have a durable Ceramic Shield sitting on the front cover that is more durable than any smartphone glass.
Same as the Apple Watch lineup, both models of iPhone 14 are equipped with Crash Detection which immediately contacts emergency service in a countdown of 10 second, if a severe car crash is detected. As highly speculated, the phone will be able to connect directly to a satellite in case of emergency and when out of reach for cellular connectivity or Wi-Fi coverage. However, the satellite connectivity is said to be available only in the United States and Canada at this moment.
For rear camera improvement, both models of iPhone 14 sports a 12MP main camera featuring a larger sensor and larger pixels accompanied with a new feature called the Photonic Engine which claims to produce better images in less-than-ideal lighting conditions.
Source : [1]
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